Monday, March 28, 2011

REAL Task 3 Elimination!

Most of you haven't done Task 3, but only ONE of the people who haven't done it will be eliminated. So, rejoice. :)

Here are the sceneries:

I really like this scenery (apart from the glitch). The dress would've really looked good with the diamonds. On the left side, the top has a different colour to the one below it, which looks quite weird.

My rating is...4.5/5

This is a good scenery. The layering is kinda strange, you have different colours is different places. There's also a square covering the hand.

My rating is....4/5

I like how you used different items for the tails (diamonds, flowers). There are random blue squares,  you should have used the blue squares instead of the water that the mermaids are in so then it still looks good.

My rating is...3.5/5

IT'S TIME TO SEE WHO WON *happy music plays* & WHO LOST *sad music plays* 

The person with the highest score is Soundandmusic!
So, she has immunity.
(Yes, people get immunity if they win the Task before. Sorry if I keep on forgetting to say that! :] )

Since most people didn't do the Task, I decided to eliminate the person who I think should be eliminated. I'm sorry, Imahippie123! You're out. Sometimes you're sceneries are not really good.

Watch out for the next task, COMING SOON!

Ta ta for now!

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