Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Task 1 Elimination

It's now time for the Task 1 Elimination. Here are the sceneries, descriptions & judge's opinion.


My rating & thoughts (Tish): 3/5

I know how hard it is to pose in the scenery, it looks good but if you added another person in the scenery it may look good. Please try your best in the next few tasks.

Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
okay well you went with the theme but you need to pose!!! i hope to see you impove if you move on!!


Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 4/5

This looks REALLY good in my opinion. I liked how you went with the theme. But your layering was bad in my opinion. Sorry. :(
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
okay this time i can tell your posing but your chocie of things to cover your other body part was not that good and you followed the theme

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5

In my opinion, this looks like a scenery a newbie on Stardoll would make. No offence. And why is she wearing clothes underwater?
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 2/5
Okay so i don't get this is that supposed to be water and if so your wearing clothes under water yiu really need to improve

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 1/5 (SORRY!)
In my opinion, this looks BORING. No offence. I like how you said you were on a boat, but I thought it would be more creative. Sorry about the rating. :(
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
okay i like how you are creative with it good job!!

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
This is very "romantic" (HAHA). GOOD JOB.
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 4/5
Good job. I think you did good, but POSE!

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 4/5
I like the scenery A LOT. Although the thing that ruined it was the hand holding it. Maybe try doing the pose before you do it? Because when I do it, my body strains a bit
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 5/5
Okay, I like this a lot it rocks! I think you did really good!

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
HEY FELLOW FRIEND (Random shout! Your scenery was good. Maybe if you added more in the scenery it'll look good. Try to pose next time. You said you knew how to do it...
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
POSE! The theme is alright, but POSE! It would've rocked if you pose!

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 4/5
I like EVERYTHING about this scenery. Maybe do something different, something people haven't done (look at previous sceneries). BTW, why am I next to Usher? (lol)
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
OKAY, pose! I love the theme of it. I truly think you could've done a lot better. I mean none of them are even wearing a bathing suit!

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 5/5
This is one of my fave sceneries. Maybe be careful with the layering next time, you can see the covering you used for the arm.
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 5/5
Okay, well this is 1 of my favourites. I like this a lot. I think you did really good.

Tish's Rating & Thoughts: 3/5
The theme was about the Beach, and I don't get this scenery.
Dawn's Rating & Thoughts: 2/5
The theme was a beach theme & you did not follow the theme.

Sooo...that's about it! Let's get onto our WINNERS & Losers.


Tish thought: JuicyC2890 
Dawn thought: Miley_Rock_312

Tish thought: SpoiledBrooklyn
Dawn thought: Imahippie123

SpoiledBrooklyn & Imahippie123, if you're depressing while reading this, fear not as there's NO elimination this week! But unfortunately, Manar08 is out for not doing a scenery. Sorry. :(


Miley_Rock_312 & JuicyC2890 cannot vote as we are voting for them. If no one votes, we shall have a scenery comp between them.

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